Subconscious Society alternates between a future ‘present’ in which protagonists are set in a type of memory-theatre, an evocative, mouldering space, and powerful images of the past ‘future’ of industrial sites. In the subconscious, new and non-rational associations can be made between objects of the waking world. The figures seem to exist in a liminal state between different spaces, both mental and physical. The interior scenes with the protagonists are juxtaposed against various evocative structures from geographically disparate areas.


Subconscious Society, a Feature, 2014

35mm film, color, optical sound, 40 min

Images 1, 2, 3: Film still © Rosa Barba
Image 4: Installation view at 8th Berlin Biennale, 2014. Photo: Anders Sure Berg © Rosa Barba

Subconscious Society, a Feature, 2014 has been on display at the following locations:

Pirelli HangarBicocca, 2017

8. Berlin Biennale 2014

Subconscious Society, a Feature, 2014 has been screened at the following locations:

Lo Schermo dell’Arte, Florence, 2022

CPH:DOX Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014

BIM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014

Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014, India, 2014

Planete+ Doc Film Festival, Poland, 2015

8th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival, New York, 2015

Sao Paulo biennial 2016

ACMI, Melbourne, 2017

City 46, Bremen

awards: 46th PIAC - Prix International d’Art Contemporain (International Prize for Contemporary Art), Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco, 2015, CPH:DOX NEW:VISION Award; Copenhagen, 2015