The 16mm Split Fields were shot in the villages surrounding the volcano of Vesuvius. They relate living in the danger zone surrounding a dormant volcano to the mafia terror in the region. An existential theme: underneath a continuous yet slumbering threat the inhabitants wait until the bitter end (suddenly) pops up. The film loop, curling its way through the space in between three projectors, mixes in documentary with fictional images. We get to see the abandoned villa of a murdered mafia leader, people shopping in a supermarket at the bottom of the volcano, or a man who makes his cat walk along the edges of a stairwell. Even though the population seems to have forgotten about the ubiquitous danger of the Vesuvius, images of fireproof hiding places in the woods suggest that they are well prepared. The constant threat is continued in a growling soundtrack by Jan St. Werner composed of heavily edited field recordings from the volcanic area.


Split Fields, 2003

Image 1: Film still © Rosa Barba Image 2: Installation view at Argos Brussels, 2004 © Rosa Barba

Split Fields, 2003 has been on display at the following locations:

Argos, Brussels, 2004

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 2003

Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, 2002

Artothek, Cologne, 2000